One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.


30 cards with empowering quotes to start your day with positivity and inspiration

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AII of the sentences are motivational, moving , self- developmental, emotional, and pragmatic, focusing on positive affirmations and future
deveIopment. Every morning before your hectic daily routine, choose one card, read the sentence, and take a deep breath. If possibIe, read the sentence out Ioud which is the best way for it to enter our subconscious. Every day for 30 days you wiII read a different card .


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MeTime is an initiative created with an important purpose – to start your day differently and get you inspired. We have collected for you the most powerful and inspirational quotes ever written. We are sure that starting the morning with them, day after day, will initiate a small change that will lead to a bigger change. It is a magical gift to bestow upon yourself and your loved ones.

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